Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fresh Florida Lobster – Captain Fuge’s Lobster Shack

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Lantana, Florida

Captain Fuge has been a fisherman for over 30 years off the coast of South Florida. He started his Lobster business many years ago and is now joined with his two sons, David and Bruce. Together, they now sell their catch of Fresh Florida Spiny Lobster and Florida Stone Crab Claws directly to the public at the Lobster Shack located in Lantana Florida at the docks at Murrelles Marine.

1 MG 0855 Fresh Florida Lobster   Captain Fuges Lobster Shack Capt. Fuge Hickman and his two sons, Bruce and David, work 6 days a week, pulling their traps to collect Florida Spiny Lobster every morning. No one has fresher lobster for sale in South Florida and at $7 per pound, it’s a real deal. You will need to call for pricing of the Stone Crab Claws.
Last year, after having a really tough market, Capt Fuge decided to sell directly to the public. Now, people just show up when he gets back to the docks to buy his catch – You can’t buy any fresher lobster and at such a low price.

Capt Fuge and his two sons are there almost every day during lobster season, except for Sundays, that runs from August through April. They leave almost every morning from the docks at 5 a.m., head out to sea, pull their traps and they get back to the docks around 2:00-2:30 p.m daily.   They unload the catch and sell what was caught. Then clean up the boats and get ready for the next day. It is hard work, but rewarding.

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The Crusader
Capt Fuge also catches fish that turn up in his traps. Large Lion Fish, Trigger fish, Snapper, Hogfish and other eatable fish from time to time. On Saturdays, Capt Fuge is always cooking something, watching football and the day turns into a small party.

Capt. Fuge sells live and frozen lobster tails, but when I see him I buy the frozen, because he freezes the tails immediately and they have never tasted like they were ever frozen. I do not mind the 40 minute drive, because it is well worth the trip for the best tasting seafood from our South Florida waters.

On my recent trip to the Lobster Shack, Capt Fuge & his boys were carrying fresh frozen lobster tails, stone crab claws, and told me they will soon start selling Jumbo sized shrimp (when available). Call him be fore you head over – 561-756-2030  - it’s only about 50 min up 95 to Lantana Road from Ft Lauderdale – well worth the trip. He is there in the afternoon – I usually call first. Tell him you saw Lee’s article – it should make him smile.
Captain Fuge’s Lobster Shack – The Docks at Murrelle’s Marine
846 N. Dixie Highway, Lantana, FL 33462
Google Maps Link: http://goo.gl/maps/hVe38
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From Captain Fuge:
“Our hours are still 2 to 5:30 daily except sun,,,,,,You can call me on da boat at 561-756-2030 to order or reserve lobsters.I also would like to say thank-you to the local community for embracing our shack and supporting us. Even if ya don’t like lobster come down bring some beer and well talk some story…….{Coors light in da bottle only]……Capt Fuge and da boys “
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When you turn at the Murrelle’s Marine Sign – drive all the way to the dock and look for the thatched roof – You will find Captain Fuge.

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