Stain Rx has a very long and successful track record. It has been used as Erado-Sol® in the medical and industrial fields for more than 40 years prior to being offered for household use.
Stain Rx contains surfactants, safe solvents and stain reducing components and has no phosphorous, peroxide or chlorine bleach.
Stain Rx is pH neutral and will not adversely affect colorfast washable fabrics and MAY BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO SEPTIC TANKS WITH NO HARM. Additionally, Stain Rx keeps colors vibrant and whites whiter without oxidizing agents.
Stain Rx is used to remove the following stains:
Red Wine - Rosé Wine - White Wine - Beer - Berries - Most fruits - Vegetables - Beets - Cola - Fresh tea - Brandy - Whisky - Rum - Fresh coffee - Apple juice - Worcestershire sauce - Balsamic vinegar - Yellow mustard - Ketchup - Grass - Iodine - Medicinal stains - Perspiration stains
Cambridge Diagnostic Products - manufacturer of Stain Rx
(800) 525-6262